February 2, 2014 at 3:08 pm

There’s a really cool record store in West LA that I recently discovered (late pass), called Touch Vinyl. I found out they have an open tables event every Thursday, so I thought it would be fun to spin some records there. They liked my set enough to post on their Soundcloud page, so now you can enjoy. The selection there is well curated, from new releases in numerous genres to classic albums in great condition (saw D’angelo’s “Voodoo” album on the wall, promo).
Music from Little Dragon, Unknown Mortal Orchestra, Thes One, John Klemmer, and much more.

December 2, 2012 at 2:09 am

Another song that I discovered listening to KCRW. That doesn't say much for me, though, since that means someone discovered it before me, played it, and then I passed it on like I'm the tastemaker. But hey, maybe some of you will have never heard this song if not for my little ol blog. I find comfort in that. It's all about sharing, people.
I know what I know, and I like what I like. I don't know much about Jim James other than the fact that he is in another well known band, My Morning Jacket. I know and like few of their songs, but I wouldn't say I know enough about them or him to call myself a fan. Never-the-less, I realllllllllly dig this track. This immediately took me to the first time I heard Katalyst and Steve Spacek's "How 'Bout Us." There is something about the usage of horn stabs that really speaks to me, and top it with James's tenor vocals and it's a done deal.