Blast from the Past: A Mix from 2006

June 2, 2015 at 11:21 pm


I’ve been working in radio for about 15 years now. I linked up with a lot of people from around the country when I was broadcasting out of Cal State Fullerton. One dude, DJ Prizmatik, was syndicating my show back in 2005-06 on his network in the New York area, and somehow linked up with Sprint Mobile, so people on that network could find our shows on their phones. Here’s the first one I did for that project.

WHAT IS A TRIP is this NYC accent I would use on the radio during that time. I’m not sure where that came from, and almost forgot about it until I stumbled across this. I think it was just a hip hop thing. I’m glad the audio is still available, because this represents a time when I was going real heavy on the DJ tip, gigging a lot, plus doing radio and spinning at school. I was eating and sleeping music, while hustling in college. You can hear the Garth Trinidad influence for sure! I think it’s safe to say this identity is long gone, and the (semi) grown up Frank Foreal (who was born in CA) has lost his NY accent.
